I have had the great fortune to move to Washington, DC to go to school and was very quickly plugged into an amazing church in the heart of the city. One of the things I have come to love about this church is its love of hymns. I have always enjoyed them, but only ever really heard one here and there. Being exposed to hymns, some of them centuries old, has really been a cool experience.
In particular, there was one which stuck out to me. "Arise, My Soul, Arise" was written in the 1700's and its verses hit me in a powerful way.
"Five bleeding wounds He bears,
Received on Calvary,
They pour effectual prayers,
They strongly plead for me:
'Forgive him, O, forgive' they cry,
'Forgive him, O, forgive' they cry,
'Nor let that ransomed sinner die.'
My God is reconciled;
His pard'ning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child,
I can no longer fear,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And, 'Father, Abba, Father,' cry."
These words have hit me so hard in the past few days. I feel like it has revealed to me how incorrect my focus in prayer has been. Buried within my own understanding has been hidden a naivety about why it is that I have the privilege to approach the Throne of Grace. And approach it boldly. It is an important distinction to understand, as these verses illuminate, that we are able to cry to our Father because the blood of Jesus testifies for us. When God looks at us, He no longer sees our sins and rebellion, but Jesus' blood.
Even in our prayers we must be humble. It is only because of that day on Calvary that we have the blessing to cry out to God and have Him hear us. But now that we do have the covering of Jesus' blood, we may boldly approach the Throne of Grace with our worship and our petitions. Praise God!
In particular, there was one which stuck out to me. "Arise, My Soul, Arise" was written in the 1700's and its verses hit me in a powerful way.
"Five bleeding wounds He bears,
Received on Calvary,
They pour effectual prayers,
They strongly plead for me:
'Forgive him, O, forgive' they cry,
'Forgive him, O, forgive' they cry,
'Nor let that ransomed sinner die.'
My God is reconciled;
His pard'ning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child,
I can no longer fear,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And, 'Father, Abba, Father,' cry."
These words have hit me so hard in the past few days. I feel like it has revealed to me how incorrect my focus in prayer has been. Buried within my own understanding has been hidden a naivety about why it is that I have the privilege to approach the Throne of Grace. And approach it boldly. It is an important distinction to understand, as these verses illuminate, that we are able to cry to our Father because the blood of Jesus testifies for us. When God looks at us, He no longer sees our sins and rebellion, but Jesus' blood.
Even in our prayers we must be humble. It is only because of that day on Calvary that we have the blessing to cry out to God and have Him hear us. But now that we do have the covering of Jesus' blood, we may boldly approach the Throne of Grace with our worship and our petitions. Praise God!