I cannot tell you how many times I have been questioned by non-Christians about why I would wear clothes with mixed threads. Or why we don't stone women caught in adultery. Or why we think it's okay to eat pork. How is it that we Christians pick and choose what we want to follow from the Bible and still call it infallible? Isn't that hypocrisy?
The short answer is no.
In reality, anybody who accuses Christians of this are simply repeating it from someone they heard say. Who heard someone else say it etc... Because nobody who studies the Word of God can come away with that understanding.
I was sparked into thinking about this when I ran across a great article explaining in-depth the different covenants in Scripture. I highly recommend that anybody read it.
In short, the reason that we don't follow those laws which we are all confronted with from time to time by our non-Christian friends is that those laws were part of the Mosaic Covenant. There are a few major covenants that we can find reading through Scripture, and those laws, being part of the Mosaic Covenant, was a covenant between God and the nation of His people, Israel. This covenant only ever applied to the nation of Israel. I suggest checking out that article for a more in-depth look at the differences between the various covenants.