Thursday, June 27, 2013

Will Gay Marriage be Good for the Church?

I love this article. It articulates something I have been thinking about for awhile now. Essentially, as our culture moves farther and farther away from holiness and towards self-gratifying hedonism, those who claim to be Christians but aren't will be weeded out as the cost for following Christ becomes less popular. On top of that, Christians will begin to look more and more different from the surrounding culture.

As this article discusses, as marriage begins to fade away (as it's been doing for decades), a greater percentage of healthy, long-lasting marriages will be in the church. A very good witness indeed. So while I am saddened to see our culture opposing God with greater boldness every year, this more open rebellion against God is only a visible manifestation of the internal rebellion that has been present for a long, long time. Seeing it openly will hopefully wake many up to the reality of their opposition to God.